
Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities | Differences | Judgements


  1. Dearest Mr. John Brougham,
    My name is Dame Ellen Terry, and I, like yourself, am an actor! We share many similarities, such as our appearances on stage. My first performance was in the Princess's Theatre in London in the production "The Winter's Tale" when I was only nine years young. Your first appearance was also on a London stage! We both were also mentored by inspiring people.

    While we are similar, we are very different. You were born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, into a poor family. I was born and raised in a theatre family in Coventry, England. In your interview, you said you traveled the world as an actor, where I only traveled throughout England, and then traveled to New York City.

    Those differences, however, will not interfere with my interest in learning more about you! You had a difficult childhood and still managed to become a successful actor! I admire you and your work!

    Look forward to hearing from you so we can chat, perhaps over a nice cup of tea!

    Ellen Terry

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. John Brougham

    Your life was very intriguing. You had gone through many hardships with you mom, but I commend you on staying by her side. I didn't have to go through that much trouble. In fact the hardest part of my job is when I lost my violin and had to play the flute at my concert. When I was younger I knew what my destiny was, to live, sleep and breath violin but you really didn't decide your mind till you got to work with "de brilliant, most brilliant of brilliant, Madame Vestris" are you sure you adored acting as you say? Both me and Ellen found our love at a very young age. But it is marvelous that you found your niche in life.

    As much as we are not alike we do have few similarities. We both had extremely hard downfalls in which we had to focus and stay postive to over come. Now to say mine was worse I do not know. Living on such slim and dreadful conditions without a father is not very good. Both of are situations are not the best we can leave it at that.

    But overall you seem like a bearably person, you are a tad bit may I say "cocky" which I personally do not like but you are always welcome. Hope to see you soon at the dinner.


    1. Dede,

      The only reason why I didn't decide was because with me mum dying with me father dying, well I guess you can say I was a confused child. And the only reason why I am what you might consider "cocky" is because I overcame what most people couldn't as did you. You could be "cocky" If you liked, it is justified. I don't think cocky is the right word, I think you should call it, proud with a reason. please reply.

      John Brougham

  4. Mr. Brougham,

    My name is Harriet Beecher Stowe and I am a professional writer and a published author. I read your blog and I find your work very interesting. We have similarities, believe it or not. I couldn't help but notice that during your career, you stated that lots and lots of railroads were being built by the English government. Well, we both experienced economic changes because also during my career I experienced America exporting multiple goods to many different countries, which resulted in many people to be able to financially support themselves and their families. I also noticed that you stated that moving a lot was a difficult time for you because each time you move it was like starting all over again. I can relate to that because when I was young, I moved a lot because of my fathers' decisions and work. Moving from one country to the next can be extremely difficult. I also couldn't help but notice that you said that you moved to America. I have lived in different parts of America my whole life. We have both experienced, at one point in time, what a great country it is.

    Although we have somethings in common, I am different from you in many ways. Obviously you are an actor and I am a writer. You are from Ireland and I am from Connecticut. Another reason I am different from you is that you stated that Madame Vestris was the person you admired the most. My father was the person I admired the most.

    I would just like to let you know that your work is inspiring. Your passion for acting is extremely admirable. Overall, you are a very talented artist!
    Harriet Beecher Stowe

  5. Hello Mr. Brougham, it is very nice to talk with you. We only have a few similarities between us. You and I were both born in Europe, you in Ireland, and me in England. We both have one major influence that got us started in our arts.

    We do have some major differences. I myself am a composer, while you are an actor. We have accomplished different things through our arts over the years.

    I enjoy your work a lot. Keep it up.
    Edward Elgar

  6. Mr. Brougham,

    My name is Adelina Patti and I am an opera singer. As I read your blog, I noticed that we have many things in common. Obviously, we are both artists who are passionate about our work. Additionally, we both had siblings. We both moved to a new country when we were young. Also, we both had more than one spouse over the course of our lifetimes. Both of our first marriages were to people who shared our love of our specific art form, and they were both artists in our certain fields of art as well.

    Even though we have many things in common, we are very different. First of all, you are an actor and you write plays. I am an opera singer. Additionally, you were born in Ireland and I was born in Spain. Also, I am very sorry to hear that your mother was forced into exile because she was the daughter of a Huguenot, and your siblings died at young ages. I do not know your grief because I never had any experiences that relate to these terrible occurrences. I additionally read that you lived with your uncle as a child for the majority of your childhood. I lived with my parents throughout my whole childhood, so I cannot relate to you about that. Finally, you moved to London when you were young. I moved to America when I was five.

    I would like to inform you that I find you a very interesting artist. After reading your blog, I can tell that you are a very brilliant, and talented person. You have a deep passion for your work, and I highly support everything that you do.

    Hopefully we will get to know each other better throughout the time we will be together because I would love to hear more about your work.

Adelina Patti

  7. Me and elgar are very similar. We are both born in Europe and shared passion for arts . However I am a musician and a performer I never had a real choice in my art I was very glad to hear about you and read your work well artifacts. I would just like to let you know that I really enjoy when actors perform and I bet yours was great

  8. Hello John,
    First I'd like to say that your interview was a tad hard to read. Maybe your dialect ...Anyway we have a tad in common. I was born in Europe. Although, I did not study to be something other than an actress. Sounds like you and this opera Singer had a thing. I too enjoyed opera! And 126 works? Hahaha, although you aren't even close to my 250, that's cute. And as an actor you are supposed to be used to traveling.
    Well, whatever I think you are quite annoying in the way you speak but I feel that under it all you are decent. I look forward to meeting with you.

  9. Helena,

    looks like you never opened a theater. You know when you open one then you can taunt me and me language. Your one to talk, you always have typos. You call me annoying because the way I speak? I thought actors in general were not supposed to be so judge-mental.
